Industrial enterprises or organizations of an industrial sector, start-ups, Skolkovo residents, R&D institutes.
8 weeks in summer term
June-July, full-time, offline
5 days a week, 8 hours per day.
Assigned by Skoltech or self-initiated. Conducted in groups or individually depending on the project tasks.
pro bono
Industrial immersion is a compulsory element of MSc degree. Scholarship is secured for the internship period.
key contact
Students prepare and submit CVs in Canvas.
ISP course: Roadmap to Career Success is a great opportunity to master CV skills.Skoltech collects companies proposals.
This is the time for students who plan a self-initiated project to submit the application.
Skoltech Industry Day. Best Project Excellence Award (each program chooses one best project according to the criteria).
A student can initiate a project with a company of his choice. It should be submitted before the deadline (March, 24) and approved by program. Industrial Immersion agreement with the host company is a must! It is a student responsibility to negotiate this with a host company.
Internet of Things and Wireless Technologies
Tatiana Algunova
Skoltech secures scholarship for the internship period. The payment from the company for the internship is purely the company's decision, and if required by the company's internal labor procedures of the company.
During project implementation in the company, the student interacts with the Project supervisor from Skoltech and the Project supervisor from the company on project issues. On all procedural questions the Industrial Immersion program Coordinator (see next question) is the person to refer.