
Intern at a dream company as a part of Skoltech summer industrial immersion

29 May - 21 July
12 ECTS credits
Industrial Immersion program is a short-term project in a company focused on a specific technological task. It provides Skoltech MSc students with a real-life, hands-on experience in the industrial sector, developing the knowledge and skills needed to achieve results through engineering and innovation.
  • companies

    Industrial enterprises or organizations of an industrial sector, start-ups, Skolkovo residents, R&D institutes.

  • 8 weeks in summer term

    June-July, full-time, offline or blended mode (the latter is allowed in exceptional cases at the request of the company)


  • projects

    Assigned by Skoltech or self-initiated. Conducted in groups or individually depending on the project tasks.


  • location

    In Russia by default. Skoltech covers travel and accommodation mobility expenses for internships, if they take place within Russia

  • pro bono

    Industrial immersion is a compulsory element of MSc degree. There are no additional payments for the internship apart of scholarship.


  • key contact

    Industrial Immersion Coordinator is a person who navigates you through the process, find yours here

how it works
During Industrial Immersion Skoltech students successfully implement complex technological tasks in companies. You are welcome to check on the projects summer 2022:

January - February

January - February

Students prepare their CVs.

Visit the Career Center and take an ISP course: Roadmap to Career Success 3.0 in January 2023 to create a top-notched CV and land an amazing summer internship.
February - March
February - March

Skoltech collects companies proposals.

If you plan to have a self-initiated project for summer internship, this is the time to do it.

March 31
March 31
Deadline to submit a self-initiated project for approval.
Internship agreement with a company is a must.
April -
April -
Students are assigned to projects: interviews with companies.
Keep in touch with your Industrial Immersion Coordinator.
May 29
May 29
Start of the Industrial Immersion. Registration in Canvas.
Projects implementation.
July 21
July 21
End of Industrial Immersion.
Submission of the results: report and poster.

Skoltech Industry Day. Best Project Excellence Award (each program chooses one best project - it can be individual or group project).

Poster presentation and networking with companies.

Industry Day is a grand conference that finalizes the results of the Industrial Immersion program brining together on Skoltech campus representatives of technologically advanced businesses, scientists and students to discuss cooperation between industry and academia, introduce students to the hi-tech leading companies and exchange experience in the development and transfer of technologies and knowledge.
A few important things to map in mind:
  • 1
    Industrial Immersion revolves around a specific project at an industrial company or a startup. So, it cannot be at another institution or any other academic organization. Exceptions are granted only to the industry research institutions.
  • 2
    Project selection:
    Skoltech will have an initial database of projects which you will be assigned to based on your performance at Skoltech and CV. The projects arrive from companies. The pool of companies varies from year to year and cannot be predicted in advance. You are recommended to talk to your research advisor regarding your internship as he/she may have contacts in industry.
  • 3
    Self-initiated projects:

    You can initiate your own project (well in advance of the regular timeline) if you have arrangements with a company. Make sure you have it approved by Skoltech internship coordinator.

  • 4
    Internship contract with the host company is a must! This cannot be a verbal plan at your current job. Please keep it in mind when agreeing your self-initiated internship with a company of your choice. Make sure the company is aware and positive about it.
  • 5


    Industrial Immersion is a required course for your Master's degree, no exception. It will be a registered course on Canvas and your project work will be assessed at the end of the summer term.
    In order to receive 12 ECTS credits, you will need to submit a report and present your work on a poster. Both are to be submitted on the last day of your immersion (the poster template will be provided well in advance). The poster presentation will take place in October during Industry Day - networking event for students and companies to mingle and connect.
  • 6
    - Organizational issues: industrial immersion coordinator is the person you will need to be in touch regarding self-initiated projects, timeline, interviews with companies, and if you have questions, concerns or any changes.
    - Project Execution: your project is supervised by 2 persons - project supervisor from a company and project supervisor from Skoltech (your research advisor or other person assigned). The supervisors accept the results of your internship and assesse your report and poster.
  • 7
    You’ve submitted one for admission to Skoltech, remember? Now, the companies will select students for projects solely based on their CV and self-representation, so it’s important to fine-tune it as best you can.
    In your CV you must show relevant experience, highlight projects you will have worked on by the time of application and make sure your writing is top-notch. Industrial Immersion itself will totally count as work experience for your future career and resume. In fact, many Skoltech students receive job offers and valuable connections for future jobs at Industrial Immersion.
  • 8
    Master’s thesis in collaboration with a hosting company
    New knowledge, skills and experience
    Networking and connections with people from industry
    Real work experience and opportunities for future work (you may even get a job offer if the company likes you!)
Industrial Immersion Coordinators by Program
  • Advanced Computational Science
    Alexandra Zdanovskaya
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
    Anna Matiushenko

  • Data Science
    Maria Dronina
  • Energy Systems
    Ekaterina Guseva
  • Engineering Systems
    Kseniia Benevolskaia
  • Internet of Things and Wireless Technologies

    Maria Kolotiy

  • Life Sciences
    Vera Rybko
  • Materials Science
    Ekaterina Guseva
  • Petroleum Engineering
    Natalia Kiani
  • Photonics and Quantum Materials
    Dmitry Krasnikov


Industrial Studies Team
Zhanna Turubarova
Head of Industrial Studies
Victoria Brighton
Specialist of Industrial Studies
We are happy to answer any questions - you can reach us at
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